We support local charities RCMA, Manna Ministries, Peace River, Highlands Food Bank, Highlands County School Board and Highlands Veterans Food Bank . Additional charities are identified for special event support throughout the year.
HLSPHC is a non-profit organization assisting in community and environmental concerns, providing social activities that promote and encourage tropical music, and the lifestyle it represents.
What we're about
We Contribute Time, Energy,
Money And Effort
Heartland LakeSharks is affiliated with Parrot Heads In Paradise National Organization. The purpose of the organization is to promote the international network of Parrot Head Clubs as a humanitarian group sharing information and social activities for mutual benefit. The organization will engage in activities that are charitable, educational and that promote the general welfare of the community. Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. is a Not-For-Profit Corporation, whose purpose is to assist in community and environmental concerns. We sponsor a variety of social activities for people who are interested in the music of Jimmy Buffett and the tropical lifestyle he personifies.
In 2020 local chapters contributions totaled over $1.4 million and 101,00 volunteer hours to local and national charities. Nineteen year total: $58.3 Million and 4,555,000 volunteer hours.
In 2020 Heartland LakeSharks: